The Little Drummer Boy

By Michael Humphrey


A dramatised version of the popular carol.


The little drummer boy


(Start with a soft drum solo, close to the rim)
5 stroke roll / rest / 5 stroke roll / rest / 5 stroke followed by 2 taps

One: I want to see the Savior. Got to see this.. Wow.. Look at those guys. The Wise Men with all their stuff. Man. Frankincense, Myrrh, Gold.. How do you compete with that? I’m just a boy... I’m not important.... all I have is... is... my drum... What good is that?

(Increase number of drumbeats, still close to the rim)

One: Look at all these people. I’ll never see him. I don’t need to see a lot. Just a little. Hey.. I know.. I’ll just blend in. I’ll walk with the shepherds and the wise men. I'll make it there.. I can see him. but what, what, WHAT can I give him? I don’t have animals, no fancy clothes. All I have is me.... and my drum…..

(Increase beats. move about halfway in on the drum head. tight rolls. Slightly louder)

One: What did he say? Are you serious? That wise man is telling me to come. I don’t believe this!!!! I’m going to see him. But, I don’t have a gift.. All I have is me... and my drum...

(Sing first verse of Little Drummer Boy...)

One: I’m getting Nervous. My palms are sweating.. I’m almost there.. OH ME!! What can I give him? What can I Give him? All I have is me.... and my drum... Think... Think...

(Louder drums rolls)

One: What if... No... That’s not worthy... But... I’ll ask..... What can it hurt? I’m almost there.. OH MY.. I’m going to see him... I’m going to see him!!! (Pause) Hello ma’am, sir... I’m nobody. But I just had to see him.. I’m poor.. My clothes are tattered .... All I have is my drum. Would you let me play for him? I'll play my best!!!

(Sing Second Verse of Little Drummer Boy)

One: You want me to? Really? (Swallows hard) Ok.. I hope you enjoy it.. I’ve worked hard to be the best. I’m honored. Please accept my humble gift... from my drum... (Deep breath)

(Loud Drums for 4 measures and then sing 3rd Verse of Little Drummer Boy)

One: HE SMILED!!!!! (Looks around) Did you se that? HE SMILED AT ME!!!! He liked it.. Out of all these gifts HE LIKED MINE!!!!!(Cries) Me and my Drum... He smiled....

© Michael Humphrey, All rights reserved.
This play may be performed free of charge, on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium, nor any entrance fee charged. In exchange for free performance, the author would appreciate being sent a bulletin of the performance, or an audio track if possible. He may be contacted at: