The Lord's Prayer for a Child

By Sheila Hamil

Father we know that you are in heaven, and that you look down upon us,
May we always think of you as holy and good, and realise that you have our best interests at heart.
May all that is your will for us be done,
May you have control of our lives.
Please give us all the resources we will need to get us through this day.
Forgive us all that we have done that is wrong, and help us to forgive those who have done something that has hurt us.
Help us to be sorry, when we are to blame.
Please keep us out of trouble today,
Help us not to look for it, or desire it.
Help us to treat others as we would love to be treated.
Keep evil out of our lives.
Keep love in.
Help us to have respect for everyone.
For everything belongs to you.
Come fill us with your Holy Spirit,
Who is your power in our lives
And your life in us.
For ever and ever.



Copyright Sheila Hamil, all rights reserved.
This poem is intended for use in churches, youth clubs and schools and can be photocopied, but it is to be used in no way for personal gain, as I have made it available for you and am gaining nothing myself. It is my wish that anyone making profit from this in any way, should direct those profits to Christian Aid or some other recognised charity. More scripts can be found at my web site,