A set of links to useful articles and essays on various aspects of
drama/theatre, both in the church and outside.
(Dramatix does not necessarily endorse any of the
comments in these articles - the links are simply provided as a helpful
Primary Areas of The Playwriting Seminars:
Content : Story & Themes, Characters www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/content.html
Film : The Screenwriting Craft vs. Playwriting www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/film.html
Screenwriting Software : A quick guide to what's essential nowadays when you write for film and television -- and sometimes helpful for playwrights. www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/software.html
Structure : The -wright of The Playwright's Craft. www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/structure.html
Working : Writing Techniques, Rewriting & Editing. www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/working.html
Format : For Manuscripts & More Interesting Things. www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/format.html
Business : Submitting Scripts, Copyright, Royalties, & Resources. www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/resources.html
Glossary of film: A comprehensive list of all the terms used by the film industry. https://octaneseating.com/blog/glossary-of-film/
Prejudice Against the Theatre : An essay outlining the historical roots of Christian prejudice against the theatre. A scholarly essay. www.fa.mtu.edu/~dlbruch/prejudice.html
The Tragedies and Comedies of Ancient Greek theatre. If you’ve ever seen the smiling and frowning masks used to represent theater and the dramatic arts, you’re looking at a tribute to the culture of ancient Greece. The Greeks’ influence on theater and literature is still found in the plays, movies, and books we enjoy today. https://librarysciencedegree.usc.edu/the-tragedies-and-comedies-of-ancient-greek-theatre/
What is good Christian drama? By Dramatix co-ordinator John McNeil. Click here to read.
The Nature of Theatre : Essay introducing theatre and its relationship to religion. www.danillitphil.com/nature.html
Of Pain, Connection, and Process : The need for pain in spiritual connection. www.danillitphil.com/pain.html
Definitions and Spellings : Basic definitions and spellings. www.danillitphil.com/define.html
Experience of Witnessing : Theatre as a witnessing agent to people. www.danillitphil.com/exper.html
Why do drama? A quick overview of the history of drama, its place in the church, and some of the requirements. Click here to read.
Self Indulgence and Grand Ideas. www.prostar.com/web/rjlee/f030398.htm
Outreach or Inreach? www.prostar.com/web/rjlee/f120597.htm
Just say no to bad drama in church: http://www.creativeministry.com/articles/21
Playback Theatre : Playback Theatre is an improvisational performance-art form based on true stories told by the audience. A summary from articles written by Playback companies.
A Calling to the Stage: Actor's Edition. This 150-page book is available without charge, and is distributed in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF), for the user to download and print out locally. This book is geared for the individual (Christian) amateur actor, and is meant to be a handbook to guide them through the complete rehearsal/performance process. A simple registration is required, but the book is free. http://dlampel.com/regforma.php
The companion volume to the Actor's Edition is nearing completion, and should be available some time around the middle of this year. A Calling to the Stage: Director's Edition includes everything in the Actor's Edition, but has additional chapters specific to the director of Christian drama. Currently, "pre-publication" chapters are available at our Download Center, for those who would like to sample portions of this new volume. When the new book is completed, it will be available for free download, much as the Actor's Edition. The Pre-publication chapters can be accessed at http://dlampel.com/pafiledb3/pafiledb.php?action=category&id=15
Ok, What's With All This Christian Drama Stuff www.prostar.com/web/rjlee/f112897.htm
Basic drama terminology and techniques : http://anona.com/Drama/dramatips.html
The Young Actor’s Glossary of theatre terms: A glossary of terms that will help those new to theatre and acting : www.theaterseatstore.com/blog/the-young-actors-glossary
Getting Started www.ticon.net/~dramaman/howto013.html
How can I do drama when we don't have a drama team or any actors? One answer is to use still photographs and PowerPoint.
Share Your Gift www.prostar.com/web/rjlee/f121297.htm
Preparing to "do Christian drama" : http://www.dramashare.org/manual.html
Low team morale: http://dramashare.org/manual.html
Theatre as a Method for Worship : Theatre as a way to witness. www.danillitphil.com/meth.html
Theatre as Part of the Worship Service : Theatre as worship. www.danillitphil.com/part.html
Introducing Theatre as Worship : Introducing theatre as worship to the congregation. www.danillitphil.com/into.html
Conflict : Conflict in theatre as worship. www.danillitphil.com/conflict.html
The We Can Do Anything Fish Kingdom : "Children's" story about conflict. www.danillitphil.com/fish.html
How Theatre Happens : Who does what. www.danillitphil.com/how.html
Directing Theatre : The basic directing steps. www.danillitphil.com/base.html
Directing for Reunions and Congregations : A more detailed essay on directing for church. www.danillitphil.com/detail.html
Tips for the Director : Thoughts about directors and directing as a way to witness. www.danillitphil.com/tips.html
Directing for Stage and Screen. saultyouththeatre.tripod.com/direct.htm
An actor contract : Ever had trouble with lack of commitment among your actors? http://www.dramashare.org/manual.html
How to copyright your scripts : Applies principally to United States authors.
Why Copyright ? : In which the author explodes a few myths, and explains a simple (and cheap) method to protect copyright.
Getting Scripts : About agreements and copyright laws. www.danillitphil.com/get.html
Copyright : www.prostar.com/web/rjlee/f010998.htm
Where to begin? if you want to write a play? From proper play format to learning the craft. www.teleport.com/~cdeemer/Nuts.html
Marketing your script, tips on getting it read by the right people. www.teleport.com/~cdeemer/Nuts.html
Scriptwriting www.heartistry.org/pages/Scriptwriting.html
Script Analysis saultyouththeatre.tripod.com/script.htm
Whaddya Mean The Script Ain't Right? www.prostar.com/web/rjlee/f010398.htm
Slice of life dramas : www.carey.ac.nz/drama/Essays/sliceoflife.html
Improve your writing : Over 200 pages of articles designed to help anyone
improve their general and writing and editing skills. www.write101.com
Guide to screenwriting contests: Most writers probably know how hard it is
to make it as a screenwriter whether you're brand new or have been working hard
for a while. The good news is that there is a way to get your work seen by some
of the biggest names. For an aspiring screenwriter hoping to break into
Hollywood, then screenwriting contests, competitions, and fellowships are the
best bet! This guide could be a useful resource providing advice, guidance, and
external resources for writers.
Acting with impact : www.heartistry.org/pages/ActorsArticle.htm
The Rehearsal Process: Rules for actors : saultyouththeatre.tripod.com/rehearse.htm
The actor and the director relationship : saultyouththeatre.tripod.com/exhort.htm
Characterisation : saultyouththeatre.tripod.com/charac.htm
Acting Workshop Online : All aspects of acting are covered here.
How to portray suicide, or other highly emotional parts. By Dramatix co-ordinator John McNeil.
Not necessarily Christian BUT very much acting. The ABWAG style of acting is what we all need to become better actors. You are not you. You are the character! http://www.abwag.com
Costuming in the Theatre : Some really practical tips for costuming plays from Donna Gordon, who has a passion for sewing.
Makeup and Cosmetic History: Since ancient times makeup has been used to enhance beauty. Take the ancient Egyptians for example who wore makeup made of lead ore and copper. Women of the ancient world were often innovative when it came to their cosmetic needs. Berries were used to darken lips, the ashes of burnt matches were used to darken eyes, and much more. Today, we have developed makeup for practically every application you can think of, and it plays an important part in all aspects of theatre. (Thanks to the students of Learning Haven for finding this article.) https://www.bhcosmetics.com/pages/resources-makeup-and-cosmetics-history
Tim & Tanya Chartier Mime Workshop : A subset of the Dramashare site, with teaching on mime. http://www.dramashare.org/mime/
Thoughts on clowning from Tim & Tanya Chartier. http://www.dramashare.org/cart/clown.html
Using puppetry www.sagecraft.com/puppetry/using/index.html
Puppetry Traditions Around the World http://www.sagecraft.com/puppetry/traditions/index.html
How to Make Shadow Puppets http://www2.worldbook.com/students/cybercamp_index.asp
What is Readers Theatre : www.aaronshep.com/rt/whatis.html
Readers Theatre : www.loiswalker.com/catalog/teach.html
The Improv Page : a clearing house for information about improvisation.
How to Make Shadow Puppets http://www2.worldbook.com/students/cybercamp_index.asp
Arts on the Move : a set of resources for teachers of drama in school.