By James Jack & Cameron Smith
Three pastors each have a different problem in the way they relate to their congregations.
Note: This play was done in three separate stages during the service, all before the sermon - as if the characters were actually addressing the audience as their congregation.
This skit was used as a pre-text to a sermon on 1 Thes 2: 1-16.
3 Pastors (in appropriate costume, I think they should all be male)
2 congregation members
Pastor 1 - Before we do anything else, let me first announce a new organisational structure for the use of the overhead projector. What we plan to do is only use the overhead projector once a month and otherwise use the hymn book and the Billy Graham song book. This is primarily because James and Cameron feel they can no longer be yoked with this burden.
Congregation member : (Putting up hand) Can I make a suggestion?
Pastor 1 : Yes, but keep it brief.
Congregation : We have some really good songs on the overhead, and I think other people would be happy to volunteer.
Pastor 2: Thanks for the suggestion, but our mind is made up. I think it's my job to make the decisions at this church. Things really must be done my way. After all, who better understands the needs of the church than its minister? I've also decided to revert solely to the organ - it better encapsulates the spirit of the hymns.
Congregation member : But-
Pastor : Let's not waste any more time in this service. The decision has been made. We'll move on....
Pastor 2 : Now for our time of announcements - On Wednesday we have a men's breakfast. Let me just remind all those intending to go to keep the noise down, because you meet very close to the rectory. The same goes for the Ladies' Fellowship meeting at 7:30 in the evening, as my wife and I often like to enjoy an early night. Apparently, there is also a BBQ and touch football tournament this coming Saturday. Speak to the appropriate lay person for details; I will not be attending as I have a more pressing social engagement with some of my peers in the clergy. Immediately following the service I will be retiring to my chambers, as is my want, but I am willing to discuss matters of theology there with those who have a serious interest. Are there any more announcements?
Pastor 3 - This is a very relevant passage that I have here tonight, but before I start looking at it, let me just say that I think a pastor really deserves the support of his congregation. I work hard each week to teach you the right way to live, and it is a very worthwhile thing I do. But it's not just the pastor who should do all the work. I might be the one who's trained to do this sort of thing, but I feel that I need others to carry the load with me. I deserve loyalty from the people I lead, not just constant demands for attention. Many of you are only young in your faith, and I understand that, but that still doesn't mean you can't make a contribution to my church. This passage talks about how loving a pastor should be, but I think it's just as applicable to you. I deserve your help - both financially and in other ways - if not, I might just have to find a congregation that better caters to my needs.
© James Jack and Cameron Smith
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