Summary:   We often feel in the spotlight when we pray publicly but God wants us to come to Him without reservation.   Our thoughts often interfere with our prayers.  Pre-recorded “thoughts” are interspersed with live action to reveal what each person is thinking.
Style: Dramatic.  Duration: 5min
Actors: 6F
Scripture: Ephesians 6:18 (“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”)

Leader with 6 group members, one named Mandy.


(The setting is a small group gathering at prayer time. The leader is standing and members are seated in a semi-circle, listening to the leader.  An empty chair is by member #5 for the leader.  Each cast member will show their emotions physically and expressively during prayer time, then sit quietly during the other prayers. The text in bold print are thoughts that have been pre-recorded and will be played at that time.)

Leader: Are there any more prayer requests or praises to share?
(Group members look at each other and shake their heads, “no”)
Leader: Then let's approach God's throne in prayer. We will start with Mandy (points to Mandy) and go around the room. Since we have a large group today, let's use this microphone so we all can hear. When you are finished praying, just pass the microphone to the next person. If you don't wish to pray out loud, just pass it on.
(Leader hands the microphone to Mandy, goes to the end of the row to sit down, and all bow their heads)
Mandy: Oh, no! I'm first. Gotta think fast ….....
 Dear heavenly Father, I thank you that we can be here tonight and fellowship. Please be with those who can't be here, especially Donna Sue. I ask for healing on her behalf for her broken leg and comfort for her as she struggles with keeping up with her family and job.
 (acts relieved and passes microphone)
Good! That went well.
2nd person: I was going to pray for Donna Sue! What was another request? Come on.... think, think, think!
(acts nervous then remembers something)
 Thank you God for giving Jane's husband that new job. Thank you for taking care of them between jobs and for providing for their needs. We praise you for your providence!
 (passes the microphone but continues her thoughts)
 Dear God, please help me to remember to make a casserole to take to Donna's family.
3rd person: (eager to receive the microphone) It is a real joy to come before you tonight, Father! I have been blessed by the Bible Study and words cannot express how much you mean to me. I want to lift up the Smith family tonight. I know they love you and are your faithful servants.. Please hold them close.... let them feel the warmth of your love and your healing grace as they deal with a very difficult situation. Please bless them as they seek your will in their lives and praise you for their protection.
(passes the microphone and resumes a prayerful position)

(4th person has a look of panic)
4th person: Why did I have to sit by Ann? Her prayers are always so eloquent and now I have to follow her! The Smith's did have a bad house fire, though.
(a really bad look of panic spreads across her face)
 Fire! Did I turn off the oven before I left? Wait, the kids are home. They will smell it and turn if off if I forgot.
 (an even more panicked look spreads over her face)
 What am I thinking? They are probably playing video games. They won't notice anything until the TV goes up in flames!
Dear God, thank you for our families. We pray for your protection over them, wherever they are.
Dear God, PLEASE protect them from my burning pot roast!
(passes the microphone to #5)
Dear God, you know I'm not comfortable praying out loud but I take comfort in approaching your throne in silence. Thank you for bringing me here tonight. Thank you for sending your Son to save me and give me a new life. I praise your name!
(passes the microphone to the leader; both smile at each other)
Leader: Dear God, we all come before you with different thoughts and different needs but all one in the Spirit. Thank you for these ladies and their willingness to serve You. I lift up all of the prayer requests, praises, and unspoken words.
You are our Creator and it is our desire to worship you in every part of our lives. Thank you for the blessings of prayer with you. In Jesus' precious name we pray..... your will be done...... Amen.
(All rise, chatting as they exit except #5.... she runs out very quickly)
© Copyright Claudia Rudolph, all rights reserved. The script may not be reproduced, translated or copied in any medium, including books, CDs and on the Internet, without written permission of the author.
This play may be performed free of charge, on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium, nor any entrance fee charged. In exchange for free performance, the author would appreciate being notified of when and for what purpose the play is performed. She may be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.