Summary: Set in an airport on Christmas eve.  An emergency shuts down all air traffic, leaving an assorted group of individuals stuck together in an airport terminal.  The play centers on a young single mother with 4 kids.  As frustrations and tempers rise, and the kids grow restless, the group has to find a way to rally and get their frustrations in check.  As it hits a boiling point, this is helped in part by a young solo traveler who shares the gospel story of Jesus’s birth, partly through the lens of Mary and Joseph as “fellow travelers” going through a challenging situation.  This brings a sense of peace and the group finds a way to make Christmas happen for the kids that are stuck with them.

Style: Dramatic        Duration: 35-60 minutes

Actors: 8 F, 8M, 4 Teen/Children 5M or F

Cast List

Liz:  The young mother traveling with her 4 kids

Erin:  Young solo traveler

Phillip:  Middle aged man traveling with his wife Peggy

Peggy:  Middle aged woman, Phillip’s wife

Airport Worker:  Male or female, comes on and off stage answering questions

Laura:  Liz’s oldest daughter (teens)

Anna:  Liz’s next oldest daughter

Kate:  Liz’s daughter

Meghan:  Liz’s youngest daughter

Eric:  One of three college friends traveling home for Christmas

Billy:  One of the three college friends

Mike: The third of three college friends

Maria Vanstamp:  Rich, entitled and views her fellow passengers as “below” her.

Voice Over:  2 lines.  One in the beginning and one at the end.


Bible Characters

Roman Centurion



3 Townspeople



  • There can be parts for more non speaking actors as other townspeople or including multiple angels in the bible scene
  • The part of Erin was originally written as Aaron but changed for a girl heavy cast, so it can be switched if desired.  Also the sexes of the children can be mixed also.  (I think I originally had 2 boy and 2 girls, but again a girl heavy cast).
  • The stage set up with rows of seats similar to an airport waiting area in a kind of triangle open to the audience.  
  • Depending on space, the bible scenes can act out towards the front of stage while the story is being told, with lighting illuminating just that area.  
  • We used airport ambient tracks from the internet at the start of the show to set the atmosphere.
  • Please feel free to change any lingo or jargon to fit your geographic area or audience.

(An airport terminal.  People waiting for their flights.  An emergency announcement comes over the loudspeaker.)

VOICEOVER :  May I have everyone’s attention.  This is not a drill.  The airport  asks that all passengers please remain where you are.  Do not attempt to leave the terminal and please stand by for further instruction.

(One by one cell phones start to ping and phones start going off.  People begin frantically texting and talking.)

ERIN :  What….wait… I’m ok.

(Everyone looks around and starts talking amongst themselves.  Peggy stands up, and Phillip does also.)

PEGGY :  I’m gonna see what’s going on.  This is crazy.

PHILLIP :  They just said stay put.

PEGGY :  So we sit here helpless?

PHILLIP :  (looking at his watch) I mean it’s been like 2 minutes.

PEGGY :  It’ll be fine.

(She makes her way forward and grabs a panicked looking airport employee passing by.)

PEGGY :  Excuse me miss?

AIRPORT WORKER :  Yes mam, what is it?

PEGGY :  Can you tell me what’s going on.  Or when we’ll be leaving.

AIRPORT WORKER :  I umm I really can’t say mam.  I don’t know.

PEGGY :  Can you direct me to someone who does know?

AIRPORT WORKER :  I…uh…I…mam…You heard as much as me.

PEGGY :  Look.  It’s Christmas eve and I am intent on making it to where I need to be.

AIRPORT WORKER :  (looks around)  Ok…take a look around.  It’s chaos right now.  You’re not going anywhere.   I’m sorry but your flight is grounded, in fact I’m pretty sure every flight is grounded.  So get comfortable and I’ll fill you in when I can.  (She walks away).

PEGGY :  Well I….

PHILLIP :  Peg just come sit.  It’ll sort out, I’m sure.  I mean at least you can sit and relax.  Look at this situation over here (points to Liz the young mother and 4 kids).

PEGGY :  True, how is she even old enough to have that many kids.

(Liz is wrestling 4 daughters trying to keep them from fighting and jumping around.  Everyone else is just staring.  Her kids start pelting her with questions.)

KATIE :  When are we flying on a plane?

LAURA :  What’s happening?

ANNA :  Ow!  Laura pinched me.

LAURA :  Did not!  

LIZ :  Laura please!

LAURA :  Mom I’m right here.  I didn’t do anything;

MEGHAN :  Mom I gotta go to the bathroom

ANNA :  Mom.  Get her in trouble!

MEGHAN :  Mom.  I gotta go.

LAURA :  Mom.  No.

MEGHAN :  Mom!!!!

LIZ :  What Meghan.  What is it?

MEGHAN :  Ummm bathroom?

LIZ :  (sighs)  Ok, you should’ve just told me.  Kids.  Sit.  Stay put.  Laura watch your sisters.

(Liz takes Meghan by the hand and leads her away.  As she does, Meghan has a bottle of water that she spills on a guy with a small group of college students (Eric, Billy, Mike who is sleeping).  He jumps, Meghan freezes and Liz looks mortified.)

LIZ :  Oh no.  Oh no.  I’m so sorry.  Meghan…what did…

MEGHAN :  I’m sorry mister

ERIC :  That’s alright little girl dude

MEGHAN :  (smiles)  ok.

ERIC :  It’s just water.

LIZ :  Oh my gosh. Thank you so much.  Sorry again.

MEGHAN :  Mom.  Bathroom?

LIZ :  Oh right let’s go.

(Liz and Meghan exit)

BILLY :  Bro that was weird.

ERIC :  It’s whatever.  Like I said, just water.

BILLY :  (nods towards Mike who is sleeping)  Yo wake him up.

ERIC :  No way.  He’s mad cause he waited to fly with us.

BILLY :  Oh yeah. (throws a piece of trash at Mike, who jumps awake).

MIKE :  huh what?

BILLY :  Wake up.  We’re home.

MIKE :  You’re the worst.

ERIC :  How do you sleep through this.

MIKE :  What else am I gonna do.  We’re here.  It’s Christmas and I should have been home!

(Liz returns with Meghan.  The other kids are sitting and Erin is showing them card tricks.)

LIZ :  Excuse me?  Were they bothering you?

ERIN :  Oh hey.  Nah they’re fine.  I was just showing them a trick.

LAURA :  Mom.  It’s cool.  I can’t guess how she does it.

ERIN :  There’s no way you figure this out.

LIZ :  I’m sorry.  They’re anxious and confused, I think.

ERIN :  Seriously they’re fine.  I think we are all confused right now.  It’s weird for sure.

LIZ :  Have you even heard what is happening?

ERIN :  Not really.  Just that everything’s down.  

LIZ :  Ugh.  Looks like a terrible end to a nightmare year.

ERIN :  Wow.  I’m sorry?

LIZ :  No, it’s ok.  They just… I’m sorry.  You didn’t ask.

ERIN :  Well we’re not looking like we are going anywhere, so it’s ok.

LIZ :  Well, I guess since we’ve known each other for a full 10 minutes.

(Both laugh)

ERIN :  I’m sorry.  It’s none of my business.

LIZ :  No, like I said, I don’t mind.  It’s just been hard.

ERIN :  That’s ok, if you want to talk about it, but if not I understand.

LIZ :  Well… we lost my husband this past year, their father.  So it’s been about as bad as you can imagine.

ERIN :  Oh my.  I’m so sorry.

LIZ :  This is our first Christmas and I am just trying to get to my parents so the kid’s can have some sense of normal.  I think I’m desperate for a glimmer of hope.

ERIN :  And then this.  Looking anything but normal.

(A loud bang disrupts the conversation as Maria, the rich old lady, throws her bag down and starts to lose her cool.  As she throws it down, everyone stops talking and looks.  As they stare at one another, there is an awkward silence.)

ERIC :  Whoa, you alright lady.

MARIA :  Lady?  Lady? My name is Maria! 

ERIC :  Oh sorry, how could I know what….

MARIA :  And no I’m not alright!  I’m stuck in an airport.  Do you want to know something?

(She looks around to see who answers, and everyone looks awkwardly at her and each other trying to figure out who she is talking to.)

MIKE :  (slowly puts his hand up)  I want to know something.

BILLY :  What is wrong with you, put your hand down.  (elbows him)

MARIA :  Until last year Maria VanStamp never flew on anything but a private jet!

MIKE :  Who’s Maria Vanstamp?

ERIC :  Seriously dude?  It’s her and don’t encourage this.

MARIA :  Yes it’s me and or was me and now this.  I’m flying on jets with commoners, and well today I‘m not even doing that.  I’m stuck in this….in this….this filthy terminal…..on Christmas!

ERIN :  Whoa hey Maria, Ms. VanStamp?  Let’s settle it down a bit (he nods towards the kids, who are shocked).  

MARIA :  (looks at the kids and smile uncomfortably.  She sits down).  Sorry but really…this is awful.

ERIN :  Yeah it’s looking pretty awful right now but we need to keep it under control.

MARIA :  Well that’s easy for you to say, you’re probably used to these crowds, the smells, the noise.

LIZ :  Look lady.  I don’t think anyone is used to this.  And standing up making elaborate speeches about how horrible it is, certainly isn’t going to help anyone manage any better.

MARIA :  Well…I have the right to voice my opinion don’t I?

LIZ :  Honestly, all’s I see is a grown woman having a tantrum.

(Everyone else kind of laughs under their breath.  Maria is indignant.)

MARIA :  Fine.  I’ll just sit here quietly and not say another word.  

MIKE :  (quietly to his friends)  I give it five minutes

BILL :  three max.

(Everyone looks at Maria expectantly, she kind of sulks and just sits there.  Erin turns her attention back to Liz and her kids.)

ERIN :  Well that was something.

LIZ :  I mean, we’re all frustrated but that doesn’t help.  I have 4 kids here and I really don’t have the patience to listen to a tantrum from a grown lady.

ERIN :  For sure.  So it must be really hard traveling with everyone (motions to the kids).

LIZ :  Yeah it is but what choice do I have.  That’s kind of been the theme of this year.  Everything is hard, but what else can I do except keep going.

ERIN :  How long ago did you lose your husband.

LIZ :  March 3rd, so it’s been like 9 and a half months.

ERIN :  You’re traveling to family, so do you have any friends or family here.

LIZ :  Some friends, who have been great, but no family.  I ended up seeing a grief counselor, one of my friends suggested it.

ERIN :  Helpful?

LIZ :  It was someone to talk with, I mean I don’t think anyone has an answer to grief and death that makes it better.  They told me about stages of grief and all but I’m thinking it’s not that simple.

ERIN :  I guess that makes sense.

LIZ :  We may move back to my home town, I don’t know.  This is the kid’s home so…oh who knows.

ERIN :  Well if you’re able, take your time, probably best to wait a bit before making big decisions.

LIZ :  (laughs)  That’s what the counselor said.  Try not to make big decisions for 6-12 months.  

ERIN :  Well there ya go.  Take that as certified advice.

(Both laugh)

(Anna and Meghan start to fight over a device and that catches Liz’s attention)

ANNA :  You’ve had it forever

MEGHAN :  I have not.  I just got it.

ANNA :  Mom!  She’s had your phone this whole time.

KATIE :  I want a turn too

MEGHAN :  Katie, you’re too small.  I never got the phone when I was your age.

ANNA :  yeah that’s true.   You get everything.

KATIE :  I do not.

LAURA :  Oh whatever.  You all get so much compared to me.  I had no devices when I was your age and you’re on them all the time.

MEGHAN :  I am literally hardly ever on.  Mom shuts my time off always.

LAURA :  I had like half hour a week.

MEGHAN :  (sarcastically)  sooooooo sad

LAURA :  Shut up

LIZ :  Hey.  You guys. Come on.  

KATIE :  But mom…

LIZ :  No Kate.  All of you, just chill.

MEGHAN :  Fine (drops the device into a bag and slouches into her seat).

LIZ :  Come on.  You’re making us look bad in front of the airport people here.

(The kids grumble and roll their eyes.)

PEGGY :  It looks like it’s quieting down.  Not nearly as much hustle.  I wonder if we’ll be moving or anything.

PHILLIP :  Hopefully, these seats are the worst.

PEGGY :  I guess this will teach us to push it to the last minute and travel on Christmas eve.

PHILLIP :  Yeah what were we thinking.

PEGGY :  (to the group) Oh looks like an airport employee is coming.  Maybe good news.

(The Airport Worker makes her way down the aisle with a worried look and tries to address the group.  The group anxiously cuts her off to try and get answers.)

PEGGY :  What is happening…

MARIA :  Will you please get us out of here…

LIZ :  Please mam the kids are going bonkers…

KATIE :  Hey lady, I like you’re pins…

LIZ :  See…

KATIE :  Can I have one.  (she reaches up and Liz stops her).

AIRPORT WORKER :  Ladies and gentlemen please…

MIKE :  Dudes let her speak man.

BILLY :  Yeah I wanna know too, but let her tell us what’s happening.

ERIC :  Some good news maybe, like we are heading out.

AIRPORT WORKER :  Umm yeah.  Well I have news, but I’m afraid it isn’t good.

(Everyone starts to panic and grumble.)

AIRPORT WORKER :  Please please.  I’m afraid all air traffic has been grounded.  

ERIN :  All traffic?

AIRPORT WORKER :  Yes, all air traffic, pretty much from here to the Midwest.  This is a worst case scenario in that regard.  I’m sorry.

MARIA :  Oh no.  Till when.  This is outrageous.

AIRPORT WORKER :  Right now, until morning.  I am sorry.

PHILLIP :  Till morning, but it’s Christmas.

AIRPORT WORKER :  I am aware and again I am sorry

PEGGY :  Well what are we supposed to do, where can we go.

AIRPORT WORKER :  Yes, well that’s the other thing.  Nobody is to come or go to or from the airport.  

ERIN :  What!!  What is happening, so we just stay here?

AIRPORT WORKER :  I don’t know how many ways to say I’m sorry.  But yes.  By order of the FAA, federal and local authorities, everyone is being asked to stay put.

PEGGY :  Overnight?

AIRPORT WORKER :  yes or until we are cleared to do anything different.

PEGGY :  In an airport 


MARIA :  With these people?

(Everyone looks at Maria)

AIRPORT WORKER :  Again. Yes.  On behalf of the airlines, I am truly sorry.  Please stay put and I will get whatever updates I can to you throughout the night.  

(She exits. )

(Everyone is basically in an uproar now, complaining to one another, and feeling hopeless.  Liz tries making a call, but it won’t go through.)

LIZ :  Ugh.  Nothing is going through.

ERIN :  Yeah everything is jammed up.

PHILLIP :  Well you heard her, ‘from here to the Midwest.’  I’m sure all the lines are down or overwhelmed.

PEGGY :  So this is it then.  

PHILLIP :  I mean, I guess so.

MEGHAN :  Mom, what’s happening. 

LIZ :  I don’t know Meg.

ERIN :  Oh man.  Looks like we are literally stuck right here for the night.  This is a first for sure.

LIZ :  What are we going to do?  I can’t stay in an airport with four kids.  This is completely crazy.

LAURA :  Mom, what are we doing?

KATIE :  Mom…

ANNA :  I wanna be on a plane!

MEGHAN :  Shut up Anna, we’re not going on a plane.

LIZ :  Meg!

ANNA :  No plane.  What!

LAURA :  Yeah we’re stuck.

LIZ :  Ok everyone just stop!  I can’t right now.

MARIA :  Oh this is gonna be fun.

ERIN :  Hey, really?  That doesn’t help.

MARIA :  Well I didn’t sign up to spend a night in an airport with this (motions to the kids).

ERIC :  None of us signed up for this, but here we are.

MIKE :  Yeah true.  

ERIC :  Don’t get me wrong.  This is the worst.  But acting like an old entitled brat doesn’t help.

BILL :  Oooooh no!

MARIA :  An old what?

ERIC :   (Stands up.)  Lady, you heard me.  You’ve had this attitude since we’ve been here and it’s annoying.

MARIA :  Why you young punk.  I’ll show you annoying. (Maria steps towards Eric and starts swinging her purse at him).

(Eric jumps out of the way.  Peggy, Phillip and Erin go to step in front of Maria and hold her back.  Liz backs her kids away.)

ERIC :  What is wrong with you?

MARIA :  Have some respect.

BILL :  You can’t just go around swinging purses at people.

MIKE :  I don’t know how they did it back in your day, but you can’t.

MARIA :  My day?  My day!  Why you(she jumps to start swinging again).

MIKE :  Whoa.  What did I just say(He jumps out of the way).

(The same people grab Maria again.  Liz comforts her kids who are now falling apart, crying, pushing each other.  Erin buries her head in her hands and rubs her temples.)

ERIN :  (yells)  Hey.  Everyone.  Just stop.

(All quiet and look at her.)

ERIN :  Yes this is bad, but come on.  If we can’t act civil because we are adults, let’s at least remember that there are four kids here with us, watching and listening.

(Everyone looks around kind of shameful.)

ERIC :  Fine.  Sorry.

MARIA :  Yeah.

ERIN :  Ok, I’ll take it.  Let’s all just sit and chill for a few.

(Airport worker enters with some food and water.)

AIRPORT WORKER :  On behalf of the airline, here is some food and water bottles.  It’s the least we can do.  I also have some pillows and blankets.

(She exits)

ERIN :  See things are looking up.

(Airport worker returns with blankets and pillows which the kids grab right away.)

AIRPORT WORKER :  There.  I’ll be back around as I’m able to see if you all need anything.

LIZ :  Thank you.  This helps for sure.  

ANNA :  Mom.  I’m bored.

LIZ :  Try sleeping. 

ANNA :  I can’t.  I’m not tired.  I’m bored.

LAURA :  You’re definitely tired.

LIZ :  Not helping at all Laura.

ERIN :  Oh hey you guys.  I got a story!

MEGHAN :  About what?

ERIN :  About a couple people who were in a bit of a jam also around this time of year.

ANNA :  In an airport?

ERIN :  No.  This story takes place way before there were airports.

LAURA :  You mean like the 90’s?

(Liz elbows him.)

ERIN :  Not quite, it’s super old like before the 90’s.

MEGHAN :  Does it take place around Christmas?

ERIN :  Actually… it is Christmas.

(Lights dim and everyone freezes on stage.  Roman guards enter from the back, hassling people in the audience as they go up.  They go to center in front of the stage.  The lead Centurion unravels a scroll and reads.)

CENTURION :  By the order of Caesar, there is to be a census of all nations, and all people are to return to the land of their forefathers to register and be counted.  Depart now without haste.

(The Roman’s exit to the back, again harassing audience members as they go.

Joseph and Mary enter to the same spot :  center on the floor in front of the stage.)


MARY :  What are you going to do, Joseph?

JOSEPH :  There’s nothing I can do.  I have to go to Bethlehem.

MARY :  And what of me?

JOSEPH :  Well you are my wife, so that means we both go.

MARY :  But this is crazy.  Joseph, Bethelehm is so far… and the baby.

JOSEPH :  I know Mary.  But you heard the decree.  I’m kind of helpless here.  Everyone is to go to the land of their forefathers and for me that means Bethlehem.  

MARY :  I guess you’re right.  It’s just not what I had planned by a long shot.

JOSEPH :  Me neither, but I have no choice.  We’re stuck.  

(They exit )

(Townspeople start entering to the front of the stage.  All looking for rooms and space)

TOWNSPERSON 1 :  There is no place anywhere.

TOWNSPERSON 2 :  It’s chaos.  Nobody knows what’s happening with the census.

TOWNSPERSON 3 :  The Roman’s aren’t telling anyone anything.

TOWNSPERSON 1 :  So we’re just stuck here, no place to go.

TOWNSPERSON 2 :  Waiting till who knows when.

(Townspeople move away from center.  Mary and Joseph enter and watch the chaos.)

MARY :  Joseph this is madness.  What are we going to do?

JOSEPH :  I don’t know.  I’ve tried a handful of Inns and nobody has anything.

MARY :  The people are falling apart.  Look at them fighting and turning on one another.

JOSEPH :  I see them.  They’re desperate.

MARY :  Desperate for the peace of God maybe?

JOSEPH :  True.  Speaking of that.  How are you feeling?

MARY :  Cold, a little hungry.  But otherwise good.

JOSEPH :  Well I’m thankful for that at least. (points to her pregnant belly). That would be an all out crisis.

MARY :  Right.  I’m pretty sure I have time.

JOSEPH :  Good.  I’m going to check a few more places.

(Joseph exits.  Mary stays at the front of the stage and after Joseph is gone she starts acting like she’s ready to have a baby.  Joseph returns, shaking his head looking preoccupied about not finding a place.  Mary appears pained.)

MARY :  Ummmm Joseph

JOSEPH :  No places anywhere.  This is crazy.  I can’t believe it.

MARY :  (louder)  Joseph…

JOSEPH :  Yeah I hear you.  I don’t know what else to do.

MARY :  (almost yelling)  Joseph…I think it just became an all out crisis.

JOSEPH :  What…oh….now?  The baby?  Now?  Oh no!

MARY :  Oh yes.  Joseph.  It’s time.

JOSEPH :  Oh man oh man oh man.  

(Joseph starts panicking and goes on stage.  Innkeeper is in the back area and Joseph knocks.  Innkeeper comes out.)

JOSEPH :  Please sir.  Anything you have.  My wife is about to have a baby.

INNKEEPER :  I told you already, I’m full.  I even gave up my space.

JOSEPH :  Did you hear me?  A baby.

INNKEEPER :  There’s nowhere for anyone to go.  I’m sorry.

JOSEPH :  Please. Anything.  A closet, a corner.  I don’t care.

INNKEEPER :  (points to a stable area)  That’s the best I can do.

JOSEPH :  Ok.  I’ll take it.  

(They make their way over to the manger. )

(Lights dim.)

(Lights up center stage where an angel is standing.  Speaks to the audience.)

ANGEL :  Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. 

(Angel exits.)  

(Lights back up on Mary and Joseph, who are now with baby Jesus.)

MARY :  Joseph, all those people, frantic and lost.  I can’t get them out of my mind.

JOSEPH :  I know.  Maybe that’s why we are here.  That’s why he’s here.

MARY :  ‘The son of the most high.’  That’s what the angel said to me.

JOSEPH :  ‘He will save the people from their sins.’ Maybe he’ll bring hope.

MARY :  And peace to a restless world.

JOSEPH :  I think it’s all gonna be ok.

MARY :  (smiling)  You weren’t looking like that earlier.

JOSEPH :  A momentary lapse, but everything’s changed now.

(both look at baby Jesus) 

MARY :  Joseph, do you hear that?

JOSEPH :  I don’t hear anything, just quiet.

MARY :  Yes there’s only peace now.

(Both look at the baby Jesus.)

(Lights dim on Mary and Joseph.)

(They exit.)

(Lights back up on stage.  All the adults are looking at Aaron.  The kids are sleeping in their seats and on the floor.)

LIZ :  That was beautiful.  I’m glad you shared it.

ERIN :  It’s my pleasure.

LIZ - I guess we can have hope.

ERIN :  That’s the thing, we all have hope.  Because of that night, because of the birth of a savior and the sacrifice he made as an adult on the cross.  No matter our circumstances.  

LIZ :  Yes.  I suppose we can.

MIKE :  Yeah man.  That was straight up inspiring dude.

ERIC :  totally.

BILL :  Dude.  I’ve heard that story but right here, right now, it feels different.

PEGGY :  Hey do you all hear that?

PHILLIP :  I don’t hear anything.

PEGGY :  I know.  It’s quiet.

PHILLIP :  Just peace.

MARIA :  Ok look.  I know I can be a bit insufferable at times.  So, I’m sorry. (pauses and looks around).  And now I fear we have a bit of a problem here.

(Everyone looks around.)

ERIN :  Clearly this whole night has been a bit of a problem.

MARIA :  Oh dear am I the only one with an ounce of sense.  What we have here are 4 children who are spending Christmas night in an airport.  I don’t know about you but that is not ok.

LIZ :  I appreciate that thought but it looks like we’re not getting to Christmas on time.

MARIA :  First of all Christmas is hardly a place, but if it were, why not bring it to the kids.

ERIN :  Oh I like that thought.

LIZ :  I’m so confused.  

MARIA :  (digs into her luggage) Well I happen to have some gifts in here that were clearly meant to be for this.

LIZ :  Oh no…I couldn’t.

(Everyone stands up and starts digging through their stuff.  Chattering and nodding in agreement.  The airport worker comes over and sees everyone taking gifts out of their bags. )

AIRPORT WORKER :  What’s going on?

MARIA :  It’s Christmas, that’s what’s going on.  

AIRPORT WORKER :  Oh wow, so it is. 

PEGGY :  And we are going to make it happen for these little ones.

AIRPORT WORKER :  Oh The kids.  (Excitedly) Oh wait.  I got it. 

(Airport worker runs off stage.  She comes back to stage dragging a fake Christmas tree, that she sets up on stage.)

LIZ :  Oh my.  Where in the world….

AIRPORT WORKER :  TSA won’t miss it at security.  Trust me, they do not have much Christmas spirit anyway.

PEGGY :  Yes.  Here let’s stack the tree. (She and Phillip put some packages under the tree.)

MIKE :  Bro check this out.  The kids will love it. (He empties a pile of candy from his bag).

LIZ :  Oh that’s not necessary.

BILL :  Nonsense(He does the same).

LIZ :  Oh wow.  That’s so much candy.

ERIC :  Guys that is a lot of sugar.

LIZ :  Thank you.  So no candy from you.

ERIC :  Oh no.  Don’t worry. (He puts some cans of soda under the tree).

(They all sit down and look at the gifts under the tree.)

(Lights dim.)

(Lights back up.  It’s morning.  The adults are sitting there, some dozing some stretching.  As the kids start to wake up, they all begin elbowing one another.  Anna notices the tree and shrieks.  She sees the presents and shrieks louder.  That stirs the other kids, who see the tree and presents and begin looking at their mother confused.  She smiles and shrugs towards them.)

LIZ :  Merry Christmas kids.

VOICEOVER -  Attention passengers.  Good morning and Merry Christmas.  In the wake of last night’s state of emergency, things are starting to move again.  You have the sincerest apologies of the airlines and the FAA.  We ask that all individuals start to gather your belongings and begin making your way to guest services.  We are going to do our best to get you onward to your Christmas destinations.

(The group all sit and look around at one another.  Nobody is moving to get their stuff.)

MARIA :  I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like I am at my Christmas destination.

PHILLIP :  I couldn’t agree more.

ERIN :  I believe this is exactly where God wants me to be right now, with you all.

LIZ :  Erin, everyone.  Thank you.  In the midst of a year and night that seemed hopeless.  You have given me a glimpse of hope and this is a Christmas I won’t forget.  I can never repay you for that but again, thank you.

KATIE :  Ummm mom (She nods towards the tree and the gifts).

LIZ :  Oh well honey…

MARIA :  Oh well nothing.  Do you kids want to open some gifts?

(All nod enthusiastically.)

BILL :  It’s Christmas man.  Let’s do this.

(The kids start handing each other presents.  As they do, Erin gets up and places her bible under the tree with the presents.)

(Lights dim)




©Matthew Kirkwood, All rights reserved.

This script may be used free of charge, on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium, nor any entrance fee charged to a performance. In exchange, the author would appreciate being notified of any occasion the poem is used in public performance. He may be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.