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- Michael Farley
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: In this monolgue, the repentant thief on the cross alongside Jesus tells his story, and gives a dramatic description of the process.
Style: Heavy drama. (Note: the descriptions are graphic, and not suitable for children.)
Duration: 5min
Actors: 1M
Production note: A song, Save Me, sung by the thief, can be obtained from the author, whose address is at the foot of this script.
Repentant thief
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- Jim Hatherley
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A conversation between Jeremiah, God and a member of the congregation. In which God laments the falling away of His people, but offers a remedy.
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Actors: 2M, 1F/M
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- Michelle Patterson
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A mother searching for Jesus to heal her son, only to arrive too late.
Style: Dramatic monologue Duration: 5-10 minutes.
Actors: 1 female
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- John Shekleton
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A Good Friday dramatization. This presentation was inspired by He Chose the Nails, by Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson 2000). It includes 5 narrations with accompanying scripture readings and suggested congregational hymns. Scripture is varied, with passages taken from the old and new testaments. It does not have a specific location, but it does reference the trial by Pilate and the crucifiction itself.
Style: Strong drama. Duration: 20min approx.
Cast: The presentation calls for 5 narrators, though it can be done with a single narrator, and two scripture readers - one old testament and one new testament. These are not biblical characters, so no costuming is called for. In addition, a set of props is referenced in the script. You may need to go on-line to get the text for the sign, including Latin, Greek and Hebrew fonts.
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- Jean Herrick
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Mary returns excitedly from meeting the risen Lord, but can’t convince Peter that she has seen Jesus.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 2min
Actors: 1M, 1F, 1N
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- Jim Hatherley
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A dialogue between Judas and Mary (sister of Lazarus), in which Judas reveals his family background and his reasons for his hatred of the Romans. Could be used as a pre-Easter script.
Style; Dramatic. Duration: 15min?
Scripture: John 12: 1-8
Actors: 1M, 1F
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- Maureen McCartney - Thomas
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A dramatic monologue in which Mary pours out her agonised heart at the foot of the cross.
Style; Heavy drama. Duration: 10min
Actors: 1F
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- Jim Hatherley
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: The story recounted by one of the two travellers who encounter Jesus on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Scripture: Luke 24: 13-35
Actors: 1M
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- Michael Farley
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: The repentant thief shares the agony of his last moments in crucifixion.
Style: Heavy drama. Duration: 10min
Actors: 1M
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- Sauni Rinehart
- Scripts Since 2007
Subject: The sorrow of the crucifixion. Good Friday reflections by eight people who knew Jesus intimately.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10-15 mins
Actors: 4M, 4F (+ optional non-speaking extras)
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- Roger Bulpitt
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: The following are three monologues narrated by centurions mentioned in the Gospels and the Book of Acts.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: Each one is 5-10 mins.
Actors: Three males
Note: These could be played in sequence, or used over three occasions in the Easter period.
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- Roger Bulpitt
- Scripts Since 2007
After the death of Jesus a certain centurion may have written to another centurion, whose servant had been healed by Jesus and this is what he may have said.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 5min
Actors: 1M
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- Vic Cooper
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Based on John 3, this play follows Nicodemus as he progresses from a self- righteous proud Pharisee to become a follower of Jesus Christ. It has humour at the right time and deep convicting grief which finalizes in joy at the risen Lord. We are taking liberties in concluding that he became a believer; however, the fact that he defended Jesus before the Sanhedrin and he and Joseph claimed the body of Christ points in that direction. Also, historic tradition says he was baptized later on. Nicodemus begins with a gruff total rejection of Jesus, but God works thru the Holy Spirit, his family, and the scriptures to change the stony heart of this Pharisee. The play covers the time from the first miracles of Christ to His resurrection. First written for marionettes, it proved to be a powerful tool for conviction.
Style: Dramatic, with light touches. Duration: 60min(?)
Actors: 5M, 2F, 1N
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- David Lee
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary. A story involving four people at the time of the crucifixion. Two have just left the Passover feast in Jerusalem; when they reach an inn they start to discuss Jesus' death. And two Roman soldiers who arrive at the inn also discus the event. An innkeeper listens intently to their discussion.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Actors: 5M
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- Jim Hatherley
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Anything can happen on an Easter morning.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Actors: 2F, 4M, 1VO
Scripture – LUKE 24: 1-12
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- Jim Hatherly
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: In this Narrative monologue in several parts, Pilate writes his report to Rome on the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. Interspersed with readings and hymns.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 30min(?)
Actors: 1M
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- Wanda Berry
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A Resurrection play that consist of a group of 10 monologues that blend into a sort of choral speaking ending. Each inanimate object speaks out as a witness of Christ's presence here on earth and His death. Each inanimate object (except the donkey) tells of the part they played and how they felt as they participated in their God-given assignments.
Style: Dramatic/Heavy. Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.
Actors: 1F (Donkey), 9 interchangeble M/F.
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- Jacob de Bruyn
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A Good Friday/Easter drama based on the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, as experienced by Pontius Pilate. The whole play takes place in one location, Pilate’s palace.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: About 25min.
Actors: M, 1F, plus 7+V
Scriptures: Matt 26 – 28, Mark 14 - 16, Luke 22 – 24, John 18 - 20
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- John McNeil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Three women enter the garden tomb early on Easter Sunday morning, carring spices to embalm the body of Jesus but not knowing how they will be able to get into the tomb.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 3min.
Actors: 3F, 1VO
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- Jeanette Walker
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A version of the Last Supper for younger people. It is based on the scripture from Matthew 26: 26-56. It is from the point of view of a mother telling her daughter a story.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 15min
Actors: 2F, 4M +V
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- Michelle Patterson
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two angels with Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane and through the Resurrection.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 5-10min
Actors: 2M/F, 2:3F
Scripture: Based on Matthew 26 - 28
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- John McNeil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A dramatic poem which is an allegory on John 1:1-12. It is particularly suitable - but not exclusively so - for Easter. "The Writer" was originally presented as a dance-drama, with a Narrator, Dancers, and music compiled for the performance. A copy of the poem narrated by the author with music accompaniment can be viewed on YouTube, https://youtu.be/3d01Jaf1OjQ
Bible Reference: "The Writer" is based on John 1:1-12, which could be read before the performance.
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- John McNeil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A full-scale Easter passion play, beginning with the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem, and continuing to the resurrection of Jesus. Suitable for either an outdoor production (as originally performed) or the theatre/church. The script is designed to allow scenes to take place in multiple places around the set. Some of the scenes are very short. These are generally linking scenes, which provide time for actors in other scenes to move to other spots.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 90min-120min.
Actors: 35M, 6F, 1M/F, +V (some parts can be doubled)
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- R. Cody Phillips
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: This two-act play centers on the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. This presentation is designed to emphasize that there is a “cost” to discipleship, and that cost depends in large measure on the individual’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. In this drama, five different persons must face the ultimate question of how they will relate to the Son of God and whether or not they are willing to pay the price.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 90-120min
Actors: 22M, 5F
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- Kathy Applebee and Linda Lineberry
- Scripts Since 2007
A musical drama for Easter
Summary: A musical Easter drama for a large cast and choir. Told from the viewpoint of a shepherd, it chronicles the life of Jesus from his birth through his crucifixion, burial and resurrection ending on a triumphant note of glory.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 90min?
Actors: 20M, 11F, 5M/F, 2C, 1VO, +Various
Click on the link below to read or download the full script.
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- Kathy Applebee and Linda Lineberry
- Scripts Since 2007
A musical drama for Easter
Summary: This full-length script traces the life of Jesus from his birth to his crucifixion and resurrection.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 90min?
Actors: 13F, 24M, 3M/F, 3VO, 2C
Read or download the full script by clicking on the link below.
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- David Lee
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two people who have just left the Passover feast in Jerusalem start to discuss Jesus' death when they reach an inn. Two Roman soldiers who arrive at the inn also discus the event. An innkeeper listens intently to their discussion.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Actors: 5M
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- Caroline Fletcher
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: As well as portraying the crucifixion, this play also looks at the question of suffering and demonstrates that though terrible things happen in this world, this does not mean that we have an uncaring God who cannot sympathize with our suffering: Jesus lived amongst us and shared our pain.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 12min.
Actors: 2M/F, 5M
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- Gaye Ahlers
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: This play covers the period of Holy Week from Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter (Resurrection) Sunday. This play has a Biblical emphasis in terms of how Old Testament prophecies concerning the end of Jesus’ ministry and death are fulfilled in the Gospel account, mostly in the book of Matthew. There is also an evangelistic thrust which relates to how the life of Jesus impacts both nominal Christians as well as unchurched non-Christians with the reality of God’s love for them.
Style: Religious drama with comedy/fantasy elements.
Duration: Approximately one hour.
Cast Size: About 34, but people would have the flexibility to play more than one role.
Scripture references: Matthew 21: 1-11, Zechariah 9:9, Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26: 26-30, 32-41, 69-75, Matthew 27: 11-25, Isaiah 53: 4-8, 10, Matthew 27: 27-33, Luke 23:28, Matthew 27:41-42, Luke 23:39-43, Matthew 27: 45-48, John 19:30, Mark 15:39, Matthew 28: 1-8.
To read the full script, please click on the link below.
“The Gospel Adventure, A Holy Week Odyssey.”
Summary: As would be suggested from the title, this play covers the period of Holy Week from Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter (Resurrection) Sunday. This play has a Biblical emphasis in terms of how Old Testament prophecies concerning the end of Jesus’ ministry and death are fulfilled in the Gospel account, mostly in the book of Matthew. There is also an evangelistic thrust which relates to how the life of Jesus impacts both nominal Christians as well as unchurched non-Christians with the reality of God’s love for them.
Style: Religious drama with comedy/fantasy elements.
Duration: Approximately one hour.
Cast Size: About 34, but people would have the flexibility to play more than one role.
Scripture references: Matthew 21: 1-11, Zechariah 9:9, Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26: 26-30, 32-41, 69-75, Matthew 27: 11-25, Isaiah 53: 4-8, 10, Matthew 27: 27-33, Luke 23:28, Matthew 27:41-42, Luke 23:39-43, Matthew 27: 45-48, John 19:30, Mark 15:39, Matthew 28: 1-8.
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- David Hardy
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A court case in which witnesses to the crucifixion of Jesus are questioned regarding the later disappearance of the body.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 7min
Scripture: MATT 27:62 -66 and 28:11 - 15
Actors: 1M/F, 4M
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- David Lee
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary. A crucifixion drama set to the song "No hay nadie come tu" by Marco Barrientos. We have used this very effectively outdoors.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 9min
Actors: 6+M, 2M/F
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- Kathy Applebee
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Based on Luke 22 and John 13 & 14, this five scene script can be used for just Jesus washing his disciples' feet (scenes 1-3) and/or instituting the Lord's Supper.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: Scenes 1-3 run about 5-6 minutes, 5 and 6 are 3 minutes each. Scenes 1 -3 can be produced as a stand-alone skit as well as 4 & 5 as a stand-alone.
Actors: 13M
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- David Hardy
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A reflection by Mary Magdalene on her discovery at the empty tomb.
Style: Dramatic. Dur: 3min
Actors: 1F
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- Jo Bower
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Various people present at the crucifixion react to what they have seen. This is suitable as a Readers' Theatre presentation. (Inspired by a sermon my father, Rev. James T. Ramdall,preached when I was a child.)
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 15min
Actors: 6M, 3F, 1VO + various voices
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- Jeanette Walters
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A briefly told account of the resurrection and Jesus' various appearances to his disciples. This would work well as an acted reading, or readers' theatre.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 8min
Actors: 1F, 3M, 2M/F + Various non-speaking parts.
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- Sandy Conway
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two women wonder what will happen to their friend Mary Magdalene, now Jesus has been crucified. (Note: Language is that of British working class women.)
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 12min
Actors: 2F
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- Caroline Fletcher
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: This play would work well at Easter time as it portrays the crucifixion. It also looks at the question of suffering and demonstrates that though terrible things happen in this world, this does not mean that we have an uncaring God who cannot sympathize with our suffering: Jesus lived amongst us and shared our pain. The Bible passage used at the end of the play is the NIV version of Isaiah 53:3-6, an Old Testament passage understood by Christians to predict the suffering of Christ and his atoning death. [This author has several other excellent plays at www.freechristianplays.tumblr.com]
Style: Dramatic Duration: 20min
Actors: 5M,2M/F
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- Barry Brannen
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: An Easter skit. What effect did Jesus have on Pontius Pilate? Drawing from the 4 Gospel accounts, with some imagination of a conversation in Pilate’s household on Resurrection Sunday.
Style: Dramatic Duration: 12min
Actors: 2M,1F
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- Jeremy Moodey
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A short sketch in which a judge gives his summation to an imaginary jury about who Jesus was, based on Jesus’ own words on the cross.
Style: dramatic Duration: 5 min
Scripture: Jesus’ words from the cross as recorded in Luke 23, Matthew 27 and John 19.
Actors: 1M/F
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- Sheila Hamil
- Scripts Since 2007
Puppets at Easter
Summary: Focusing on Thomas at Easter and after the Resurrection.
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 5min
Actors: 1N, + puppets
Scripture: John 20:19-20
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- Sheila Hamil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: These three dramas – Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday – were written for a children’s activity morning. A large white sheet with a strong light source behind it is needed, so that the children’s shadows are shown miming the actions, while the narrator reads out the poem. Shapes such as a cardboard donkey, palm fronds may also be used.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: Short.
Actors: Any number
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- Sheila Hamil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: An Easter bible reading set to “rap” music.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 2min
Actors: Any number
Scripture: John 18:28-40
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- Jim Hatherly
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A monologue, in which the disciple Thomas reflects on his time with Jesus, and the events following the resurrection.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 12min
Actors: 1M
Scripture: John 20: 19-31
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- Jim Hatherly
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two sets of characters, modern day and from the time of Jesus, are forced to reassess their lives by the events of the first Easter.
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 12min
Scripture: John 20: 1-18
Actors: 3M, 1F
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- Jim Hatherly
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A monologue from one of those whom Jesus met following his resurrection on the road to Emmaus.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Actors: 1M/F
Scripture: Luke 24: 13-35
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- Sheila Hamil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Using David Dimbleby's Question Time programme (UK TV), we bring up arguments about the Resurrection of Jesus. The pupils from Churchill Community College took up a 'write a drama for Easter' challenge. This is what they came up with.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 5min
Actors: 4M, 1F
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- Sheila Hamil
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A light-hearted radio news report from the events of Palm Sunday.
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 6min
Actors: 4M/F
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- Sandy Conway
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two women discuss Mary Magdalene and the events of the first Easter.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 10min
Scripture:Mark 16:9-11, John 20:14-18 and parallels
Actors: 2F
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- Jeremy Moodey
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A short sketch based on the Roman Centurion’s experience of the crucifixion.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 5min
Scripture: The crucifixion accounts in Luke 23 and Matthew 27.
Actors: 1M, 1F
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- John Holden
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A monologue, by the man who held the sponge up to Jesus on the cross on Good Friday.
Style: Drama. Duration: 8min
Actors: 1M