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- John Holden
- Scripts Since 2007
Style: Drama. Duration: 8min
Actors: 1M
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- Jeanette Walter
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: It takes a personal encounter with Jesus for Thomas to believe Christ has risen.
Style: Comedy/drama. Duration: 10min
Actors: 5M
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- Melinda Cousins
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A suburban couple are upset when their donkey goes missing. They get a surprise when they hear a commotion at the end of the street. Keywords: Palm Sunday
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 5min
Actors: 1M, 1F
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- Melinda Cousins
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A modern-day take on Palm Sunday, with a shopaholic wife, a long-suffering husband and their household pet.
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 6min
Actors: 1M, 1F
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- Malcolm McLean
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: This is a true story in the form of a passion play, but the setting has been changed to modern times, and some events have been added or rearranged for dramatic purposes. The play is modern dress, designed to be suitable for school performance.
Style: Dramatic Duration: 60min +
Actors: 38M, 19F, 5M/F, 1VO, 1N, +Various
To read this script, click here.
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- Sue Walton
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: This is a sketch about the Resurrection, from the point of view of the Roman soldiers assigned to guard duty outside the tomb. There are three scenes, with an appropriate Bible reading between each one, giving time for scene changes. The letter included in Scene Three is an alleged report of the trial and death of Jesus sent by Pilate to Rome, and is included in an apocryphal book, ‘the Acts of Peter and Paul’. Keywords: resurrection. Style: humorous. Duration: 20 min.
Actors: 7M, 1M/F
Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:62-65; Matthew 28:1-15;Luke 24:9, 11, 36-48
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- Kerrie Polkinghorne
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: An allegory on the Easter story, with God depicted as a Pet Shop owner.
Style: Drama. Duration: 8min
Actors: 1 Narrator
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- Susan Ticknor
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Mary receives a surprise visit from a Roman soldier one year after the crucifixion of Jesus.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 5min
Actors: 1M, 1F
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- Melinda Cousins
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A shopaholic wife returned from a buying binge and a bored husband find their day is turned upside down when their beloved Daisy is taken by a stranger. Keywords: Palm Sunday
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 6min
Actors: 1M, 1F
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- Ian Wishart
- Scripts Since 2007
Style: Light-hearted. Duration: 8min.
Cast: 3F, 1M
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- Terri Savage
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two women proclaim the resurrection news. Keywords: resurrection
Style: Drama. Duration: 2min
Actors: 2F
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- Terri Savage
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Mary, mother of Jesus, is struggling with the torture of her son. She cries out to God with her struggles, and then asks for God's help to remain strong. Keywords: Easter, death, resurrection, suffering.
Style: Drama: Duration: 3min
Actors: 1F
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- Cedric Downard
- Scripts Since 2007
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 30min
Actors: 18M, 3F, 4-6 M/F, 1N
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- Bonnie Degagne
- Scripts Since 2007
Style: Dramatic. Duration : 5min
Actors/Readers : Two people.
Scripture: John 12: 12-19
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- Kevin Renshaw
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: This Readers Theater piece, focusing on the Easter story, is an examination of spiritual callings through Joseph of Aramethea and his decision to bury Jesus. (Originally staged with back cyclorama and back lighting, creating silhouettes to the audience). Keywords: Easter, calling, spiritual gifts, ministry, doubts, fear.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 15min
Actors: 3M, 2F, 2M/F
Scripture reference: raising of Lazarus through the Passion and appearance of Jesus to the Apostles in Acts.
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- Phillip Barker
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: A short play suitable for a youth group or drama group to perform in Church.The play is set as a modern day hearing into the events that allowed the ‘Jesus Cultists’ to claim that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The Commander of the Guard is called to give testimony and be cross-examined - insofar as a Roman soldier could be cross examined in a Jewish court.
Keywords: Easter, Empty Tomb, Resurrection, Jesus, Roman Guards, Asleep, Stone rolled away, Conspiracy, Stolen body,
Style: Drama
Actors: 1M 3 M/F
Props: include, four desks, chairs, a modern day Army Sergeants uniform, a Judges wig and gown.
Duration: 7-10 mins
Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:63 and 28:11 – 15
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- Susan Walton
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary : A sketch in five small scenes, each portraying a stage in the life of Barabbas. It was performed for, and by children, and is to illustrate that sin, if not dealt with, goes from bad to worse and hurts not only ourselves but those around us. I’d like to think that Barabbas was a changed man after Jesus took his place on the cross; only eternity will tell! Keywords: Barabbas, Easter, punishment, rebellion, sin, cross.
Style: Drama. Duration: 10min
Actors: 7M, 2F, 3-5M/F, +V
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- Ray Markham
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: Two characters discuss the significance of eggs at Easter in a humorous way. Keywords: Easter, eggs, new life.
Style: Lighthearted. Duration: 4min
Actors: 2 puppets
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- Ray Markham
- Scripts Since 2007
Style: Lighthearted. Duration: 4 min
Actors: 2 puppets
Summary : Two characters discuss the significance of the cross on the hot cross bun in a humorous way. Keywords: Easter, cross, hot cross buns.